Simply: we will run your logo/simplified show graphic and a link (to your web site, Facebook event page, ticket-vendor page, etc.) on the left side of our page for one week before your opening and during your entire run; in exchange we ask you include our ad in your program and a link to our site on your web site (it would be nice if you had our graphic with your web site link, but is not necessary).
You understand that this in no way means we will cover your play or review it.
Moreover, we only have space for six media partners at a time and we reserve the right to chose whose graphic will be displayed on our page. But it pretty much boils down to first-come-first-served (and you can help yourself by reserving a spot on the page as soon as you set dates for your event).
Your graphic cannot be more than 150X200 pixels and can be in full colour (but a hint: don't make it too busy as people won't know what you're saying).
Send your graphic and link to us by email.
Here are our graphics: take the one appropriate to the colour of your program. (By the way, if your theatre company or theatre-related blog or web site is not listed in our Links You Need, to the right, this is a free service - though, again, it would be nice if you included a link to us on your web site.)

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