(Paradise) Lost in New York
by Jody Burkholder
Here is a little web guide with photos from my phone that gives you a little peek into taking Paradise Lost to NYC. If anyone wants more tidbits of information I'll follow the comments on the post and share more.

- Rooftop Terrace. Lower East Side. The top of the Sanctuary multi-faith Guest house we stayed at. No meat allowed.
- Panna II. There are three of these restaurants that share the same building. They each have a loud owner who screams for you to come in while you walk by on the street. "Where Chili pepper lights meet Christmas lights"
-Tech the show at Under St. Mark's. We had three hours to tech our show. We used two and a half. (Album here.)
-Tech the show at Under St. Mark's. We had three hours to tech our show. We used two and a half. (Album here.)
- First Show. One down, four to go.
-Canuck Cabaret @ Under St. Mark's. Late Night show of the FRIGID.
- UCB. College Humor Show Live. Highlight of the show was Wyatt Cenac of The Daily Show.
- Re-tech the show. Cues got erased between this show and the last. Sometimes you need a little something to get you through the hard times...
- Show #2. Small House. Good Reviews.
- Canuck Cabaret 2. Late nights on the lower east side made better by Canadians.
- Paradise Lost at NYU. We got the last two tickets for the sold out student production. The show could have been served better by having less actors and more puppets.
-Avenue Q. Front row rush tickets. Fun show, but the jokes are dated. Gary Coleman has been dead for years, let him rest. This photo shows just how lost I got on the subway to the theatre. I'm not even on the island anymore...
-Macaroni Party. Half way point of the festival. We found out at this event we would be extended. Free macaroni from S'Mac and a keg at Under St. Mark's. Who could ask for more?
- Show 3. Audience has heard the buzz and is starting to show up.
- reprogram show #3. Cues got erased between this show and the last again.
- Pretty and Papi. Circus performers and pickles dipped in marshmallow fluff. Internet dating included.
- Oneymoon. A show about marrying one's self. Internet dating included.
-Coney Island. Paul and I recreated the linked scene from about 3:30 onwards. Only we were serenaded by three guys blasting the Rolling Stones on a ghetto blaster playing Sympathy for the Devil. I suggest you do the same.
- Year of the Slut. Internet dating included.
- Scarlet woman. A two woman whodunnit film noire show. Our first look at The Kraine where we would do our extension.
- There is No good News. (Video) "Like a freight train running downhill with no brakes" TD of the festival while recommending the show to me.
-Penny's Open Mic. Every Tuesday at Under St. Mark's. A Lower East Side tradition.
- Central Park for cookies before Spider-Man.
- Spider-Man: Turn Off The Dark. A great example of what you can do with a whole lot of money and not much of a show. The show stopped once at the end of the first act when the Green Goblin froze mid-air above the audience.
- Saving Tania's Privates (Video). A hit of the festival. Dynamic high-energy show about Cancer. Internet dating included.
- The Hyperbolist. Bombastic puppets and video clips.
- Canuck Cabaret. Coming to the Montreal Fringe this summer.
- Crif Dogs, where they wrap their hot dogs in bacon and still have a working Spy Hunter video game.
-Reprogram Show #3. Cues got erased between this show and the last one again. We went for drinks afterwards at Jules Bistro.
- The Nightengale. Robert Lepage in New York. Danielle and her Mom got to finally see this amazing performance after being denied tickets to the Toronto run.
- Neue Gallery. Next to Central Park. Free first Friday of every month meant an hour in line outside in the cold. Well worth the wait.
- Show # 4 Great because of growing audiences and being joined in the audience by our CGI artist Jeremy Eliosoff and Chris Nachaj, roommate extraordinaire.
- Shetler Studios Tour. My friend, and fellow Montrealer, Robin Patterson's place of business. I highly recommend a late night tour.
- Mac Store where I had my broken-ass, video lagging Hard Drive replaced. For free. (and a new battery!)
- Economy Candy. 'Nuff said. Order here:
- Reprogram show #4 Cues got erased between this show and the last (see a pattern here?) I listened to this as I punched the cues back into the board
- Boat Load. Paul's favorite show of the FRIGID.
- Funny a trunk show. An Egyptian man, played by an Egyptian woman, wants to get a passport for his daughter.
- Show #5 SOLD OUT
-Awards night @ The Kraine Theatre

- drive back after, Hungover