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Monday, December 31, 2012

CharPo-Montreal's Photo of the Year, 2012

Can we just say how much we love this promo art for Macbeth?
The Montreal Shakespeare Theatre Company has always had good images to sell their productions but why is this one of Alex Goldrich and Stephanie von Roretz as taken by Joseph Ste-Marie especially good? What do you think? Sex and violence. The colours (i.e.: skin tones) hover between arousing and just slightly off (a little like the Macbeths themselves) and the eye hovers between the actor's bare chest and the bloody handprint, making von Roretz an integral part of the composition.
[Each of our principal sites - CharPo-Montreal and CharPo-Toronto - will be presenting their photo of the year today. Tomorrow we will be presenting THE photo of the year for all sites.]

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