Peggie Hopkins as Miss Mockridge in Dangerous Corner
by Estelle Rosen
Peggie Hopkins is Founder and Artistic Director of Point St. Charles Community Theatre. Since its inception in 2005, she has combined her Real Estate Broker duties with theatre including Producer, Director and Actor.
Since you started The Point St. Charles Community Theatre in 2005, in addition to presenting plays, PSC now offers free acting courses to young actors age 8-18, as well as PSC Youth Theatre Acting Out. What was your motivation to start PSC and have expectations been met?

Although the ways to achieve my goals were a little vague - due to my lack of training and experience - with a lot of luck, support and hard work this whole project, involving both the adult and youth theatres, has taken on its own life.
And the bonus for me was that I never realized how many wonderful people I would meet and how rewarding the whole process would be. We are fortunate to have many, many dedicated volunteers who have shared the dream.
Both the PSC Theatre and our Youth Theatre program are undoubtedly labours of love. But when we see the glowing faces of the kids after their performance we know all the effort is worth it.
The PSC Community Theatre website
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