Ernest and Ernestine are blissfully happy newlyweds. The bloom of young love doesn't last long, though, and soon enough the arrows start flying. This show combines slapstick, broad physical comedy and some good dialogue in an over-the-top extravaganza that is anything but subtle. The best word to describe the play would be silly but in that word's good sense, its playful sense.The young actors, Maria Waslenko and Mitchell Cohen, are very good but especially Ms. Waslenko in a very physically demanding role. To those easily offended, a warning. I didn't count but I'm quite certain Mr. Cohen has broken the record set by Joe Pesci who said the word f#&k twenty-one times in two minutes in the movie ''Casino''. The director has made full use of the Montreal Improv Theatre (nice space), the set is visually interesting but one could get whiplash keeping track of the actors sometimes.
Show details.

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